• Hemmat 6, Phase 2, Beshel Industrial Zone, North Savadkooh, Mazandaran, Iran
  • +98 11 422 49 050
  • English
  • فارسی


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About Aron Sanat Pars Hootan

Under the supervision of Hootan Mass construction

The company initially started its activities in order to supply the needs of the Houtan mass construction. By providing various types of anti-theft doors, wooden products and fittings, it has been able to meet the needs of the apartments under Houtan construction. By creating a workshop for the production of wooden implements in Beshel Industrial Zone and production of products such as wooden doors, wall closets, cabinets and interior decoration can achieve self-sufficiency

The factory has been able to take an important burden of entrepreneurial contribution by employing a set of professionals and committed people, and by using efficient local capacity and production of required construction products, it has attracted the attention of its hosts in Hootan apartments and in addition to attracting the needs of the market and customers.

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Variety of products

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Customer Satisfaction

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houtan Commerce